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Weekly blog # 7 · In modern web applications, user authentication and authorization are critical to ensuring secure access to resources. Traditionally,...
“ Migrations play a crucial role in development. Without a standardized approach to migrating and seeding data, teams can quickly fall out of sync,...
The main Idea is to define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Example we want to send emails and the logic...
This topic will help us to optimize our loading of related data using Entity Framework Apis. Lazy Loading Ef core's default behavior Loads data when...
So what does .gitignore do? It ignores the generated files, you don't want them to show up in there at all times. Useful when you have collaborators...
I recently got a ticket to fix a module and I encounter an error related that can be solve by Change Tracker API. I'm glad that I encounter these kind...